Clerk Office Hours

Tuesdays 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.;
3rd Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Ordinances, Resolutions & Policies


Note: This list does not contain every Springdale ordinance or resolution. To view an ordinance or resolution not listed here, please contact the Admin/Clerk at Thank you!



  • 2024-3-1, vacating a portion of the Ben Franklin St. ROW
  • 2023-12-1, amending the 2023 budget
  • 2023-11-2, amending the 2023 budget
  • 2023-11-1, elector resolution to adopt the town tax levy
  • 2023-10-3, using previous year's unused tax levy
  • 2023-10-2, amending the 2023 budget
  • 2023-10-1, using previous year's unused tax levy
  • 2023-8-1,adoption of Springdale Emergency Operations Plan
  • 2023-6-1, levy limit exception for the MHAJFD under 2005 Wisconsin Act 484
  • 2023-2-1, adopting changes to the Town fee schedule (dog licenses and town records)
  • 2022-12-1, adopting a Town procurement policy
  • 2022-11-1, adopting the 2022 Town tax levy
  • 2022-10-1, exceeding the Town levy limit via a special town elector meeting
  • 2022-9-1, Town Hall Rustic Road Application
  • 2022-8-2, adopting the 2022 Update to the Dane County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
  • 2022-8-1, amending the 2022 Town Budget
  • 2022-7-1, amending the Town fee schedule 
  • 2021-4-1, amending the Town fee schedule
  • 2021-2-1, approving the use of a facsimilie signature for approval of documents signed by the Town Chair
  • 2021-1-1, changing the 2020 budget of the Town of Springdale
  • 2021-10-1, Amending the 2021 budget of the Town of Springdale
  • 2021-11-1, a resolution to create, number and describe wards in the Town of Springdale in accordance with the Dane County redistricting plan
  • 2021-11-2, adopting the Town of Springdale budget
  • 2020-5-1, a Resolution to adopt fees pursuant to the Town of Springdale Code of Ordinances TItle 9, Chapter 3.16, Adminsitrative Fees
  • 2020-6-1 and 2020-6-2 (2020-6-1 and 2020-6-2, signed by PC Chair and Admin/Clerk) 2020-6-1, An Ordinance to amend the Town of Springdale Code of Ordinances, Title 9, Chapter 4, The Comprehensive Plan, including the Land Use Plan, of the Town of Springdale, Dane County. 2020-6-2, An Ordinance to amend the Town of Springdale Code of Ordinances, Title 9, Chapter 3, The Land Division and Subdivision Ordinance of the Town of Springdale, Dane County
  • 2020-11-1, Adoption of the Springdale Town Tax Levy
  • 2020 BOR Resolutions
    Policy on Procedure for Waiver of Board of Review Hearing Requests (see below)
    Policy on Procedure for Sworn Telephone or Sworn Written Testimony Requests (see below)



Hybrid meeting policy, approved 6/21/2022
Public Records Policyapproved 9/15/2003