Clerk Office Hours
Tuesdays 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.;
3rd Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
The Town Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. To access the meeting via Zoom, follow the instructions posted in the meeting agenda. To request placement on an upcoming Town Board agenda, please email the Administrator/Clerk at least two weeks prior to the next meeting.
John Rosenbaum | (608) 286-0552 | |
Supervisor 1
Wayne Hefty
Supervisor 2
Richard Schwenn
(608) 845-7507
Jackie Arthur
(608) 437-6230, opt. 1
| |
Deputy/Elections Clerk
(608) 437-6230, opt.5
Lisa Shatrawka
(608) 437-6230, opt.2
PC Administrator
Amy Jester (PC Chair)
(608) 437-6230, opt.4
(608) 618-1448 |
Devin Dahlk
(608) 437-6230, opt.6*
| |
*(608) 444-5707 - road emergency only
The Town of Springdale Plan Commission (PC) meets at 7:00 pm on the fourth Monday of every month. To access the meeting via Zoom, follow the instructions posted in the meeting agenda.
Amy Jester, Chair/PC Admin. | appointed 2015 |
Ellen Bunn | appointed 2001 |
Jim Hanson | appointed 2003 |
Denise Sullivan | appointed 2006 |
Kelly Altschul | appointed 2022 |
Adam Carrico | appointed 2023 |
Rami Aburomia | appointed 2023 |
Weed Commissioner | Eric Birschbach | (608) 848-3741 | | |
MHAJFD Fire District Rep. | Mike Lamberty | | ||
Assessor | Accurate Appraisal | P.O. Box 415 Menasha, WI 54952 | (800) 770-3927 | |
Building Inspector | General Engineering Company (GEC) |